Week 1- Early World Creation
Week 2- Patriarchs- The Covenant with Abraham
Week 3- Egypt and Exodus- Moses Parts the Red Sea
Week 4- Desert Wanderings- Israelites Wander the Desert
Week 5- Conquest and Judges- Jericho's Wall Crumble
Week 6- Royal Kingdom- A Shepherd for a King
Week 7- Divided Kingdom- God's Kingdom of Israel is Divided
Week 8- Exile- The Curse of Exile
Week 9- Return- The Return to Judah
Week 10- Maccabean Revolt- Purification of the TempleWeek 12- The Church- Bridegroom and Bride
The Great Adventure Bible Timeline
Summer Program Instructions
Summer Program Details
Games to Play:
The Walls Fall Down Game
The Good Shepherd Game
Sheep Memory Game