Patty Delagardelle (Chair), Judy Dietiker, JoAnn Hinz, Carol Husmann, Kimberly Keister, LaVonne Ludwig, Suzanne Marek, and Laurie Sperfslage
The Parish Life Committee coordinates with various other parish groups to sponsor and support social gatherings around the parish. The goal of the committee is to promote fellowship and friendship across all demographics of the parish.
Some of the projects they have been involved in were helping the different fall festival committees, creating the “Catholic Coffee Club” held at the Grounds & Goodies at 9:00 every Wednesday morning after Mass, Christmas caroling, creating “Let’s Make A Meal” where meals will be made and delivered for people who are experiencing unexpected life challenges or changes, and developing the information that was in the bulletin explaining the purpose of the different committees on the Parish Council. This committee hosted the Confirmation reception, the Farewell Gathering for Fr. Nick, and the “Meet & Greet” for Fr. Sean. They will be sponsoring a back-to-school ice cream social in August after the weekend Masses. They are continually involved in developing different events and activities for St. Patrick Church.